In the Shed

Nipsa 7,5 OHV Four Stroke 9
Yes, go on, click on the link. You know you want to. Take advantage of following Keith in his journey of making two stroke and four stroke engines out of his own head.

Proud of him, I am - even if I don't understand more than one word in six of his explanations and am overcome by a feeling of intense nausea when I look at the incredible mess in that shed ...

So if you are at all interested in this sort of thing, or know someone else who is, please visit his YouTube site and give him a thumbs up.

21st Century Trolley

Lately, by which I mean over the last few months, Keith has developed an unhealthy interest in trolleys. When I say trolleys, I mean tea trolleys. Think 1950s housewife tripping lightly into the living room, pushing a tea trolley piled high with cucumber sandwiches, tea pot, rattling crockery and, of course, cakes, lots of cakes. I think it's probably the healthy eating diet that we've been following that's got to him, with the result that he is rapidly becoming obsessed with cakes of all shapes, sizes and calorie content and the problem of how to access them.
"Wouldn't you like a nice tea trolley to wheel in the supper every evening?" he queried hopefully.

I left him in no doubt that hell would freeze over before I appeared before him pushing a trolley of cakes or delivering cakes by any other means, for that matter, apart from the fact that we don't have supper and that, I thought, was that.

Cue Keith's next idea - an internet trolley.

This, he explained, as its name suggests, would be connected to the internet so that if we ran out of cake and er, cake, an automatic order would be sent to the nearest supermarket to replenish supplies.

He's threatening to start work on designing it imminently ...

The minimalist look

 I've always wanted the minimalist look in my home and wherever I've lived, I've never managed it and I've never managed to find a kindred spirit who understood the advantages of having space rather than 'things'.  Longtime readers of this blog will know only too well that Keith is definitely not minimalist and the idea of having any kind of space not crammed with what he would call important things and I would call rubbish, though maybe not to his face, is a completely foreign concept to him.

 Almost two years ago, we had the kitchen re-fitted, which was great except that I sort of lost sight of the fact that even though the units were new, the kitchen is still the same size and still only holds the same amount of stuff. So now, I am looking at videos on YouTube for ideas on how to cut down on 'stuff' and free up more space.
(Note that I am talking here of people who are voluntarily cutting back and 'downsizing', not those who unfortunately have no choice.)
 Boy, has that been an eye opener! There are people out there with kitchens the size of small cupboards who boast of having empty drawers and cupboards as they have too much storage space for their needs!
Some have only two plates, mugs and sets of cutlery.
What do they do when they have visitors? I wonder.

One woman only has enough food in the fridge AND freezer for a week. By the time shopping day comes round again, the cupboards, fridge and freezer are bare.
What does she do if she's ill or something crops up and she can't go shopping that day? These things happen. And does it mean that she has the same menu week in, week out? Not like my system at all. When asked what I am cooking for the evening meal, my reply is usually 'Whatever falls out of the freezer when I open it,' to the amusement and/or horror of friends who pride themselves on being a little more organised.
 So, having read this far, if you look at these photos and have any ideas as to what can be ditched, do let me know.

In the meantime, I am thinking of doing my own YouTube video on Keith's desk ... Now there's a challenge!

Walking in the valley

I haven't been down in the valley with Toby for several weeks now, but the other day, we did pay a quick visit. It was a lovely day, there were plenty of mallards squawking and squabbling, as they do, and a few coots but no moorhens. 
Most of my photos are taken on an iPhone 6 plus, one handedly, as I have Toby's lead in the other and let's face it, Annie Leibovitz et al really have nothing to worry about. But maybe I should look at some instructional videos on YouTube - although they would probably begin with something along the lines of 'Ditch the dog and use both hands.' 
Or, perhaps I could train Toby to take them ... 

Dad's bench

It was probably back in the eighties that Dad bought a new wooden bench for the garden. It replaced the one he had built himself, which had been there since we were children, and always sat under the dining room window to provide a vantage point from which to survey the rest of the garden. Mum used to sit there often in the summer and Dad too in later years. So when he moved up here to live near Keith and myself, it came with him and provided another vantage point in another garden.

After he died, it came to our garden and being by then in need of sprucing up, I sanded it down and coated it with Osmo oil, which according to Kathy, would be better than varnish.
"Make sure you put several coats on," she said, after I'd put the first coat on and thought I'd finished. So I did.

So there it is, in all its glory, in our garden, where I can sit on it and survey our garden  - and Keith's shed, of course!

Keith's 'nother new hobby

Regular readers will probably know that Keith is a man of many talents and is always 'fettling'. Recently, this has mainly involved doing things with pieces of metal and lathes and mills in the shed - sorry, his workshop. Every so often, he emerges to tell me what he has been doing, scattering tiny shavings of metal and plastering door handles and walls with black handprints in the process. I do sometimes think back with great sympathy and understanding to Thora Hird's character in 'Last of the Summer Wine' as she refuses to let her husband in the house before she has laid down copious sheets of newspaper. I'm just not quick enough!

Anyway, this week, he has discovered a webcam focused on Trondheim port and has spent many happy hours watching the comings and goings there. Actually, that's not strictly true. Ships not generally being fast moving, he can spend hours watching very little, so then he progessed to, which he has used a few years ago when he was tracking the journey of the Delica which he had bought from Japan. (Yep, don't ask. I can't believe I didn't blog about that!)

However, he can now follow and identify the ships and ferries that travel up and down the Norwegian coast. Remember Slartibartfast of 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' fame? He spent a lot of time designing the fjords and coastline of Norway and, looking at the map, he could be justly proud of his efforts.

So, from there, we progressed to another site which shows air traffic and Keith had just identified a Virgin plane on its way from USA to London, when, hey presto, we heard it outside and managed to catch sight of it as it passed overhead. I kid you not! Big Brother is watching you takes on a new meaning when Keith's on the case.

Of course, he didn't do anything useful, like book us a Norwegian cruise, but maybe he'll get round to that tomorrow ...

The Horses' Field

Toby and I walked past the horses' field the other  day and these two were peacefully surveying the world and all passers by. The photo is poor quality I know,   but you try taking a photo with one hand while trying to restrain an energetic, impatient small dog with the other! The field is quite large and houses about a dozen horses and it's the one which is currently under threat of being covered with yet another housing estate. It isn't really the horses' field, of course, but is owned by the university and rented to a nearby riding school. However, the university have decided that they need to sell various pieces of land around Wrexham in order to fund their fancy new projects, and that's why I'm pretty sure that, in spite of all the local objections, and we have objected very strongly, although I still haven't had to resort to chaining myself to railings,  they will end up selling the land with outline planning permission for 127 houses, which is their current aim. 

Of course, we have just endured six years of building noises and disruption on the land behind us, the local primary school is over-subscribed and has nowhere to expand to accommodate growing numbers of pupils, the local surgeries, well they are not really able to meet current requirements, let alone an ever increasing local population, and the roads are more country lanes than roads and busy enough at present.

Maybe the council will listen to our objections and refuse planning permission, at first anyway. But as we know from past experience, applications will be re-submitted two, maybe three times, until eventually, permission is granted and we shall lose yet another piece of green in our area.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...