Yesterday I ordered a book from Amazon - a Christmas treat for me. I ordered it with free postage, which takes 2 to 4 working days, so of course I didn't expect to see it until well after Christmas. However, Santa and his elves must have been on the job as, believe it or not, it arrived this morning. (Or maybe I've had another Rip van Winkle moment and it is now the first week of January.)
"Hey, look!" I said to Keith, "My book's come already!"
He looked at the title as I held it up -
Psychotherapy and the Quest for Happiness," by Emmy van Deurzen.His look said it all. No words but I think 'sad' might have been in his mind.
Have a good one, everybody!
Thanks, and you too! xx
Is it a novel?
Keith might have actually been looking a bit guilty as Emmy van Deurzen sometimes moonlights on the voluptuous stripper website "Flesh and The Quest for" It's what got her through college much to her father Professor Heinz van Deurzen's dismay.
Despite almost living with this laptop strapped to me (no jokes please), I've never ordered anything for Christmas time. I guess I rely on items falling off the shelves and hitting me on the head to show me they might make suitable presents for people.
No wonder they are all taken back on Boxing Day !!
Happy Christmas to you and Keith from all here in Florida. Well me anyway.
Sounds an interesting read. Are you going to post a review when you've finished?
Trust you to lower the tone, YP!
Silverback, I won't be holding my breath for a present from you, then. ;)
No promises, Dotterel. ;)
santa and his elves on the job? That's a video he won't be leaving in anyone's stocking: no matter how good you been it'll be no father christmas porn for you this year! happy new year anyway Jenny
Happy new year to you too, Arthur. :)
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