From TK

Just got this video from T.K.

I did play it for Paddy and Jake in the hope that at least one of them would be inspired to emulate the famed Jesse - to no avail. No, they prefer to slob out on the sofa waiting for a dog biscuit to hit them on the nose!


Shooting Parrots said...

Clever dogs those Jack Russells, although ours hides it very well.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Perhaps you could make an "alternative" YouTube clip in which we see Paddy sleeping and Jake doing whoopsies on your carpet. Jesse is just a little show-off!

Cro Magnon said...

I shan't even bother showing that to my two... the big lazy lumps.

elaine said...

That was brilliant - what a clever little dog - especially loved the window cleaning!

Jennytc said...

I would love to have a dog that could do that for me, Elaine!

Jennytc said...

Similar to ours then, except that ours are small lazy lumps. ;)

Jennytc said...

How about you making one of your sheep cutting your lawn for you, YP? ;)

Jennytc said...

If there were schools for dogs, ours would be in the Special Needs class, SP. :)

Shooting Parrots said...

I've since passed this on to Ruby, my sister-in-law's young Jack Russell. She was very impressed. A clever way of getting lots of treats was her verdict.

Jennytc said...

Glad someone's learning from it, SP. ;)

Yorkshire Pudding said...

I think I'll take a still image instead.

Kate said...

Fantastic clip. Loved it! I've sent it to my son who tries to train everything ever since he did his psychology paper. He DID manage to get our cat to say 'Mama' on command.

Jennytc said...

That is no small achievement, Katherine! Well done him. ;)

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...