Tired syndrome

No time or energy to blog this last week. I think it's something to do with the hour going back at the end of British Summer Time. Not that I ever take advantage of it to have an extra hour's snooze. No, Sod's Law guarantees that that is the morning that I will be wide awake at the crack of dawn.
Not so this weekend, however. Elder Daughter came to visit and stayed Saturday night. We had a lovely gourmet meal prepared by yours truly (OK, for those who know me, we had a fairly edible meal) and a couple of bottles of very pleasant French wine, of which I had no more than two, that's TWO, glasses. So it was rather annoying, to say the least, that I spent the whole of Sunday dragging myself around with a bad head, feeling like death warmed up. It happens these days. I take a few sips of wine, my liver watches the cascade with horror, throws up its hands and dives for cover.
They do say that it's more difficult to tolerate alcohol as you get older but, come on... TWO MEASLY GLASSES!!!
Anyway, that couldn't apply to me...I'm still 18.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny.

I liked that. Only two measly glasses, for me must be two bottles.

18-years old, yeah I agree with that, you are as old as you feel.


Arthur Clewley said...

yes, but you were using a pint glass though weren't you jenny

Jennytc said...

Thanks, Mick, you are indeed.
Arthur, did you have to blow the gaff???

Anonymous said...

Is that 18 dog years, Jenny ? ! ! Lol ;)

Jennytc said...

I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer, Craig!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you are so worried about your age, stop fucking going on about it...

Martha Kearney and Twiggy Lawson are both nearly 60, look fantastic and never go on about their age. So most blokes think they are about 40 ish.

A lesson there methinks...

Anonymous said...

There's always euthanasia...

Jennytc said...

Well, anonymous - and you think I've got problems!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...