Little Ginger Cat again

Arriving home this evening in pouring rain, I was greeted by Little Ginger Cat. If she had had fists, she'd have been battering the door down. I managed to get it open for her to caterpault herself in and hurl herself into the kitchen where she prowled around looking at me hopefully with that 'I'm starving' look on her face that cats do so well. As I had nothing in the way of food to give her, I fished out an old saucer and gave her some milk (don't tell Keith), which she demolished in seconds. A further helping followed and then...
the ungrateful little madam stood at the back door waiting to shoot out as soon as I opened it.
There's gratitude for you!


Anonymous said...

I've known one or two like that over the years.
Have a good weekend.

The Leadership Blogger said...

Milk is BAd for cats! NAUGHTY Jenny!

Jennytc said...

Thanks, Flighty, you too.
George, I know it's not the best thing to give them but I had nothing else and she was very hungry. She's still around to tell the tale, anyway.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Typical female - shooting off as soon as she has what she wants - be it a string of pearls, a nice meal, a baby or an exotic holiday (NOT in Wales by the way!)

Wallo said...

youre too soft Jenny! Tell little ginger that it's give and take! xx

Jennytc said...

YP, you're just an old male chauvinist piglet! ;)
Wallo, all heart, that's me!

krip said...

Bin the cat and get an old faithful hound. Now there is unrequited love for you.

krip said...

YP. Pearl necklace?

Jennytc said...

You're right, Krip, but it wouldn't be fair to get another dog at the moment as we are both out so much.
YP - pearls went out with the ark. You're out of touch, mon ami! ;)

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...