Furniture part 2

Today, they've lost both pieces of furniture. No idea where it is, why it is missing, who's got it or when we're going to get it!
So I mentioned the magic word 'refund'.
"I'll look into it and ring you back. I'll definitely ring you back, even if I've got nothing to tell you," promised the last person I spoke to.
She did........ and she didn't!

Service with a smile???

Reading Gemmak yesterday on her experiences of the non-appearance of a delivery gave me some cause for concern. You see, a couple of months ago, we decided that we needed a decent recliner chair and sofa instead of the extremely average and not particularly comfortable ones that we already have. We eventually found something to suit - so comfortable we may well never wish to sit anywhere else again! But of course, we couldn't have them for several weeks, which wasn't a major problem as we were about to go on holiday anyway. So we gave the shop our holiday dates and pointed out that we wouldn't be at home during that fortnight.
Needless to say, the day we came home, there was a message on our answerphone asking us to pay the balance so that the furniture could be delivered. This was followed, during the next two days by 4 more phone calls along the same lines. Last week, I got a phone call from the furniture depot telling me that the furniture would be delivered tomorrow and I would get a text message yesterday informing me of the time of delivery.
I did want to believe it and be impressed, honestly!
Well, yesterday came and went and so did most of today and my phone remained messageless. As I hadn't taken the paperwork to the shop with me, I couldn't ring to chase things up until I came home, after 5.30 and, guess what? The depot closes at 5.30! So I rang the shop.
"Oh, sorry, we don't deal with deliveries. You'll have to ring the depot."
You mean the one that closes at 5.30?"
"Oh, I don't think they close that early."
"Yes they do, I've just tried to phone. As you made so many phone calls to ask us to pay the balance, I think you should at least make some effort to track down our furniture!"
I went on to explain that I needed to know whether to stay in tomorrow or not and that I didn't feel I should need to stay in the whole day anyway, I painted a picture of us sitting on the floor, having given away our present suite - all to no avail. In the end, he passed the matter on to his manager, who reiterated that there was no way of contacting anyone before tomorrow.
"They have had problems with text messages being received by customers," she said.
So wouldn't it be a good idea to phone people instead?
"Oh, I don't think they know how to use a phone!" she trilled. Ha, Ha!!
An hour later, another phone call, this time from a very nice, "don't shoot the messenger" type lady, who informed me, very apologetically that one of our items of furniture (she didn't say which) had been lost in the warehouse, so, although 'they' were searching for it as she spoke, our furniture would not be delivered tomorrow. So when? Who knows?


I read my horoscope when I remember, which is now and again. If I like the sound of it, I believe it; if I don't, I consider it to be absolute runbbish. Keith, in common, I suspect, with many men, thinks it's all rubbish anyway and isn't in the slightest bit interested but I just had to read his aloud to him for today....

This is bound to be a wonderful day, Keith, and it almost doesn't matter how you spend it. At work, colleagues are chatty and friendly and work progresses smoothly. At home, children are especially polite and the talk around the dinner table is warm and fun. Why not cap off the day sitting by a cozy fire, wrapped in an afghan and reading a favorite book aloud to your partner.

So, how accurate was it?
Well, to start with, he had a fraught day building a computer that took most of the day, finding components that were faulty or had been badly packed and searching for things he had put down which had then been tidied up or thrown away (NOT by me, I hasten to add!) so work definitely did not progress smoothly. Colleagues i.e. the rest of us, tended not to be chatty - we just steered clear of the storm! No children at home to be polite or otherwise, talk at the dinner table was quiet as I had a headache. Cozy fire not needed as it has been warm and overcast all day. Afghan? Keith is adamant he doesn't know any and would they let themselves be wrapped round him if he did? What about reading then? No joy there either - it's not one of his favourite pastimes - he prefers to torture me by watching Scrapheap Challenge, Salvage Squad and other rubbish (I mean programmes) of that ilk! Oh well, maybe the crystal ball needed cleaning today. Better luck tomorrow!

Interesting eyes

I had a hospital appointment today. About 10 years ago, my optician decided I might have glaucoma so sent me to a specialist for further investigation. It was decided that I actually had an unusually shaped optice nerve and, otherwise all was well.
This summer, my new optician decided to send me to the specialist again, just be on the safe side as glaucoma is in the family.
Fortunately, I got the all clear once again, but the specialist did remark that I had 'very interesting optic discs.' Not something I often get told but as a chat-up line, I think it would leave a lot to be desired! :)


My blogroll doesn't seem to want to go on this new template - it's invisible at the moment. However, it will have to wait till this evening, I'm afraid. Got to go and start the week. :)

Got it!!!

The strange sounds to be heard in the environs of Wrexham today were howls of rage or screams of delight, depending on what time of the afternoon or evening it was! 6 hours it's taken me to change this template, SIX HOURS!!!! AND it's not right yet, but I've had enough - the sleep of the exhausted beckons. It's legible, my counter (most important) is on and that's it for today!
Had you been a fly on our wall this afternoon, you would have been entertained by the sight of Keith growling at his computer as he made valiant efforts to get to grips with C+ (apparently a language for writing programmes - I knew that! not!) and me swearing at mine as I wrestled with the mysteries of blogger templates. You see, we REALLY know how to live it up at the weekend! :)

Boldly going....?

I keep looking at other blogskins and wondering whether to take the plunge. I must have a low boredom threshold or else I just enjoy a challenge, but I have had my green blog for a while now and I would like a change. However, being a definite novice in the world of html and css and not having either the time or the patience for anything requiring too steep a learning curve, I thought I would venture to make a small change to my photoblog. Having read the Blogger help page for changing the look of templates, I have actually changed the background colour on Photos at Jennytc! A small step for mankind but a giant one for yours truly! Now I'm seriously tempted to change the appearance of this blog but I'm also a bit worried about messing it up completely. So, folks, if I'm not here tomorrow, you'll know that:
a) I gave in to temptation (nothing new there then!)
b) I made a mess of it
and in that case I shall be sitting here tearing my hair out and listening to Keith saying, "I told you to leave it as it was!"

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...