Warm and comfortable?

I just visited Gemmak's blog and found an interesting little quiz which she had done, so I thought I would have a go too and, guess what - I got the same result.
Can I suggest that in my case, it's not totally accurate??? And that's as much as I'm saying :)
cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Bus stops and golf

We didn't go very far afield today. First Keith decided he'd like a quick bout of golf practice. I had said I would be interested in trying it out too, being a complete and utter novice, but - hitting a ball with a stick, how hard can it be? I thought. WRONG!!! It's much harder than it looks - but it's also good exercise. Mind you, Keith didn't do too well either, between you and me! So, after a quick stint at the driving range, we began today's meanderings - this time around Chirk and the area around Llangollen Take a look here
We had a lovely drive and saw some beautiful scenery. I never cease to be amazed at the wealth of amazing views and places to visit on our doorstep. As we were cruising up and down mountains, we came across this.....

Very strange, I thought, but no, Keith had the answer as usual. You may recall an earlier discovery of the bus stop on the way to Pentrefoelas. Keith did mention that the prehistoric Welsh were a very forward looking race, well, here, if you needed it, is even more evidence (he said). A prehistoric bus stop for the 22 bus! Amazing or wot!!!
On the other hand, he said, Douglas Adams could have put it there as the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything - maybe it is 22 instead of 42.
(And maybe that's going just a bit TOO far!!!)


This morning, when I went into the bathroom for a shower, there was a spider already there - not in the shower but perched nonchalantly on the wall. Not QUITE as big as this one.
I didn't scream or shout - there was not even a sharp intake of breath.
I left it there! I just wanted everyone to know how brave I was. :)
Mind you, when I had finished my shower, it had disappeared, which is more worrying, because now I don't know where or when it's going to show up again! :/

Blogging for Books

I have just found an interesting site via Weevilstepmother. It's a competition for blog authors and the site is called Blogging for Books. The idea is to write a blog entry on a given theme within 6 days and the winner receives a book written by the author judging the competition for that month. As I only discovered it this morning, I am just too late for this month, but Weevilstepmother's entry is a very good read. Hopefully I'll have a go next time round.


I had been dreaming when I woke up this morning. I don't usually remember my dreams but this was one of those dreams where the feelings you experience during it stay with you when you wake up. I was dreaming about leaving my job at the end of last term. I dreamt there was a big cake in a room but I couldn't go in. The headteacher and governors were conspicuous by their absence and everyone else was going about their business as if it were a normal day and wouldn't say good-bye to me, so finally, I left the building on my own.
So how close to that was the reality? Well, I was adamant that I did not want any fuss, presents, presentations of any kind when I left and this wish was respected. There were 2 other members of staff leaving as well as me but parents were not informed about any of us going until the last but one day of term, when there was one short sentence referring to us near the end of the newsletter. OK, so I had requested no fuss - the others hadn't.
12 months ago, I had decided to give up my deputy headship and revert to class teacher, which I did. I had been in the school for 15 years, deputy head for 11, including a spell as acting head teacher but I finished my time as deputy without one single word of thanks or appreciation from head teacher or governors - (They didn't even thank me for getting out of their way and making room for new blood!)
Last year, as this year, I wouldn't have welcomed any fuss, all I wanted was one simple expression of thanks and I got nothing.
On the last day of this school year, my last day at the school, the head teacher said not one word to me and, yes, the dream was accurate in this respect - I did walk out of the building on my own...............and boy was I glad to go!
Oh and, by the way, last year the school got the Investors in People award!

This weather!!

When I finished last term, I promised myself that, from now on I wouldn't take any notice of the weather. Now that I don't need to dread 'wet play' it really doesn't matter what the weather is doing - snow in July, hurricanes in August - no problem! Who cares? I can handle it!
However, I have found myself forced to pay some small degree of attention to the elements lately if only because I can't remember the last time we had such a damp and dismal summer! When it comes to having to put the light on at 7.30 on an early August evening to do my blogging, there is something wrong somewhere.
Personally, I blame the Weather Pixie. There she stands on my blog looking as though butter wouldn't melt...innocence personified! It's got to stop, my girl! We need some decent weather and we need it NOW!!!! Please????


Great news!
Look here. Yes, the daleks are making a comeback, inspiring fond memories of childhood terrors! Yes, I really believed there was some awful black and slimy creature inside! However, according to Shrub, they are coming back with a difference -Get a load of this!.
Now we know we're REALLY in the age of sex equality!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...