School days

News that schools in England are going to be allowed to set their own holiday dates was aired on television this morning, prompting Keith to muse that, if all schools just closed permanently, it would immediately solve a lot of problems.
When I queried this, he expanded on his argument.
All boys would be provided with a Meccano set, an aeroplane modelling kit and a bike, delivered in parts for assembly by them.
Well, that might keep the boys busy, especially if their interests lay in those areas, but what about the girls?
Girls? Oh well, they could be given dolls.

Yes, he is still cowering behind the sofa, hands over his head...


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Ha! Ha! Keith knows how to press your buttons Jenny! Regarding "free enterprise" in the setting of school holidays, Gove and his disciples have clearly not thought the matter through. But hey, what's new?

Jennytc said...

Why should they change the habit of a lifetime, YP!

GaynorB said...

Chaotic thinking.

Still when Gove causes the whole education system to collapse due to one or other of his crazy schemes, we'll be saying "I told you so" - but with little satisfaction!

Jennytc said...

Very true, Gaynor. I'm so glad I'm out of it. ;)

Flighty said...

If if goes ahead no doubt there'll be chaos! Flighty xx

ZACL said...

...I should think so too! Remind him it was women who kept the factories going in the UK during the last world war, doing war work. My mother operated a lathe.

WendyCarole said...

I am just glad I am out of it all now.

Hope you are giving Keith a very hard time :)

Jennytc said...

It will make life very difficult for parents, Flighty.

Jennytc said...

Yep, I think he realises his mistake, ZACL. ;)

Jennytc said...

Impossible to be annoyed with him for too long, WendyCarole! ;)

David Oliver said...

I'm not convinced that schools (12-13 years of it) are the best way for our children to have a happy childhood or be prepared (in as much as that is possible) for the future. I like Keith's idea but I'm thinking just send everything to all the children or send the stuff out randomly. I'm sure most little boys would be disappointed when they got a doll but that would teach a somewhat valuable lesson for the future - trade.

Cro Magnon said...

On the principal that kids hate to get up in the morning, and hate to go to bed at night, wouldn't Gove have been wiser to start night-time schools; maybe open from 6pm to midnight.

I expect he meant 'Male Dolls', and a pack of pins.

Jennytc said...

Actually, David, Keith is dyslexic and so hated school with a passion and most of his learning has been done by 'doing' all his life.

Jennytc said...

Night school would certainly suit the kids, Cro, but probably not the poor teachers! :)

Cro Magnon said...

Who said anything about teachers; just lock them in a dark room!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...