Now I, not being a man, had mixed feelings about this. Granted our faithful Mitsubishi Pajero is of mature years, to be polite about it, but it has never let us down in the couple of years we've had it and, and this is the crux of the matter, it is mine. I bought it, it belongs to me, I am its owner. Keith has his van for work, so we certainly don't need two cars these days, which means that, now that we have the Kia, mine will have to be sold.
Anyway, no point dwelling on the way my hand has been underhandedly forced, so today we set off for far flung, mysterious regions of north Wales, namely the Lleyn Peninsular. The weather was, unsurprisingly, cloudy, dank and wet - just the sort of day one would wish to be setting off for the countryside, but then, very surprisingly, by the time we reached Bala, there were streaks of blue in the sky and the Weather Fairy waved her wand and sent us blue sky and sun all the time we were over there. Interestingly, as soon as we were ready for our journey home, the grey clouds rolled in again. I am left wondering if Keith is possessed of magical powers!
I even managed a short conversation in Welsh with the car park attendant in Aberdaron!
Did the car park attendant then give you a ticket?...Isn't the Lleyn Peninsula such a magical place! We had two wonderful cottage holidays there when the kids were little and once stayed in a caravan at Towyn before Ian was born. It seemed a place out of time with its own climate. I must go back there.
I know Bala, and its lake, quite well. Very WELSH.
I hope that you like the Kia, and that it's trouble free!
I'm sure that some sunshine made all the difference to what likes like an enjoyable day out. Flighty xx
It is very individual, YP. And no, I didn't get a ticket. ;)
Bala is supposed to be the place where the purest Welsh is spoken, Cro.
I'm getting used to it, thanks, Flighty. :)
How was the ride in the Kia?
Your weather descriptions are just sooooooo evocative of some of the things I might say by way of description about where I live. Then, I scrolled down and studied your photos. Are you sure you are in Wales - it looked awfully familiar; just a bit too familiar. It's not the same coastline. That said, we are both living in Celtic lands and landscapes, (it would seem). It is very interesting. :)
I had seen, more than once, links to your blog on the blogs I visit. So now I popped over to see what you are about. I am very pleased to find another writer! And, oh my, a photographer! Didn't I kinda, sorta imply that I am a writer. Sorry. My sentence fragment shows that I am not but I am a fair speller.
Very pretty, especially the photo with the bridge. I daren't show these to Mrs P - she already hankers for a move to Wales!
The ride was good, thanks ZACL. I lived in Ireland for a few years once and there are similarities with the Welsh countryside.
Thanks for your visit, David. After a quick visit to your blogs, I think you certainly are a writer, and very readable too! :)
Maybe when you retire ? :)
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