Off in the caravan again

Friday saw us wending our way westwards again, this time to the delightful town of Aberaeron just south of Aberystwyth. The campsite here was smaller than the one we stayed at in Barmouth but had all the facilities we needed plus a pleasant coastal walk of about a mile into the town. Keith and I have been to Aberaeron before on our Sundays out. The last time I remember visiting was on a cold and rainy day, but this weekend  the weather did not disappoint, apart from a couple of showers and some wind at times.
The sea defences have been improved and it seems as if a lot of money has been spent around the town itself. Many of the Georgian houses are beautifully painted in delicate ice-cream colours and not so delicate colours too, but to equally pleasing effect.
Keith was able to zip around comfortably on his bike and Paddy loved being able to charge down the field at the speed of light on the couple of occasions that it was quiet enough to let him and walking up some of the side streets, we could almost have imagined ourselves in a French town.
Even the toilets were newly painted and sparkling! 
I even spotted a lovely little boat in the harbour which would suit me down to the ground...
or maybe not.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

I can just imagine Keith at the helm of that boat with you in the galley making fish stew. Of course you would need to buy Keith a peaked skipper's cap - pink of course to go with the boat.

Jennytc said...

The day Keith wears something pink, YP.....! ;)

Daphne said...

Ahhh I like Aberaeron! We pass through it every year on the way to and from Tenby and quite often stop to have a look round. Lovely!

Jennytc said...

It is well worth a visit, Daphne. Lovely little place.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...