Going posh

Seen in the Chester Chronicle this morning, was this item of information. Waitrose is coming to Chester. So it looks as if we are going up in the world around here.
Caviar, anyone?


Shooting Parrots said...

Oh, yes please. And Marie de Bois strawberries and Jersey cream for afters.

Jennytc said...

Coming right up, SP. ;)

Anonymous said...

I use Waitrose, along with others, but not for anything posh! Flighty xx

Jennytc said...

Up to now they have confined themselves to you posh southerners, Mike! ;)

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Screw Waitrose! Netto, Lidl and Aldi are where it's at!

Jennytc said...

Ah, but Waitrose is wriggling its way into Yorkshire too, you know!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...