
Yesterday was the sixth anniversary of this blog. Over the past few evenings, I have been looking back over some of my past posts, particularly those written whilst on holiday in France. One of them was this one about our very brief foray into Spain, promping a text message from Hugh. A few tears were shed as I read this unexpected reminder of him but that's how it is. Every now and then something will happen, be said or  be shown on television that gives me a sharp reminder, in addition to the ever present memory running constantly in the background of my brain, of course.
This morning was also a brief jog down Memory Lane. In the field next to the one where Paddy and I were walking are some horses and today there were two beautiful white ones, unfortunately not close enough to be photographed, but they immediately reminded me of White Horses.

I don't remember the TV series but I loved the music and had the 45rpm record. At the time, I was at college, so seeing the horses in the field momentarily transported me back to those carefree days of student life, and particularly all the revision for exams which used to fill the bulk of our hours at this time of year! Maybe not so carefree then...


Yorkshire Pudding said...

A bit of research tells me that this theme tune is widely regarded as the best ever theme music for a TV show. It's dreamlike with a clear equine beat

Jennytc said...

Ah, a man of taste! ;)

Shooting Parrots said...

It can be quite an eye-opener to read what you wrote in the past. I've added a plug-in that shows my post headings from five years ago. I can't believe the drivel I wrote!

Jennytc said...

I don't remember reading any drivel on your blog, SP - oh except the football stuff, of course! ;)

Anonymous said...

Well done on blogging for that long! I can't look back that far as my old blogs have long gone. Flighty xx

Jennytc said...

Thanks, Flighty. It's surprising how time flies.

Daphne said...

Ahhh I loved that music - and the series too. Thanks for the memory!

Jennytc said...

Ah, another woman of exquisite musical taste, Daphne! ;)

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...