Three against one

In the battle of the sexes, three against one is just plain unfair.
Dad is staying with us for a week and he and Keith get on very well together. Dad and Paddy get on really well too and Paddy is not slow to take advantage of  the fact that Dad doesn't always know the 'house rules' like no getting to sit on the sofa until invited and then not before seven in the evening.
So, this evening, I have been banished to the dining room with my laptop and Last fm because Keith and Dad were hogging the TV and watching a programme about Dunkirk and Paddy was hogging my place on the sofa.
I am expecting them all to break out in a Welsh version of The Young Ones any minute!
OK, maybe not...


Yorkshire Pudding said...

I hope you kept the lads supplied with their favourite drinks and snacks and that your pinafore was nicely pressed.

Anonymous said...

You conjure a vivid image of the three of them! Flighty xx

Jennytc said...

Drinks were more likely to be tipped over their heads, YP! ;)
Yes, it was very vivid, Flighty. ;)

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...