
I have found a way of providing fatballs for the birds, as you will see from this handy little container. However, the squirrels, never to be outdone, are on the case, no matter how many acrobatics it takes.

Back to the drawing board!


Flighty said...

Thankfully I've yet to see any squirrels try to get to my bird feeders.
It's also noticeable that the birds aren't using then either recently! xx

Jennytc said...

Same here, Flighty. Maybe they've had a better offer elsewhere. :)

Unknown said...

Love these shots, they'll stop at nothing!

Jennytc said...

Very determined, they are, Paul.

Mick's Page 2. said...
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Mick's Page 2. said...

Hi Jenny.
Your last number of blog entries have been come out of you like bullets from a machine gun - Wow, I like it. Please keep it up for its always a joy to read them.

I remember a number of years ago a TV-program that someone set up an obstacle/assault course for squirrels to get to his bird feeder, truly amazing how they managed to find their way through it. I believe there’s no such thing as a squirrel proof bird feeder, many have tried but they always find a way to get to the feed - Mick.

Jennytc said...

I am trying, Mick! I think I saw that programme too but I live in hope of being to outwit them some time.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...