INSET for teachers - Staffordshire or Spain?

Dad sent me an email with a link to this article yesterday. It tells of the staff of a technology college in Staffordshire who had decided that they really must do their next INSET training in sunny Spain, at a hotel which just happens to be fully equipped with poolside bar, Turkish baths and casino, so off they planned to go for four fun-filled (sorry, work-filled) days whilst their pupils stayed at home with homework tasks.
Not surprisingly, parents, pupils and the wider community are somewhat less than impressed by this and are not at all convinced by the head teacher's argument that, actually, it works out cheaper than hiring a conference centre in this country. Now, that's the bit I take issue with. Why, in the name of fortune can they not hold their INSET in their own school? Theirs is a technology college, which means that they have ample facilities for the planning they need to do and they don't even have to sit scrunched up on mini chairs like we poor primary teachers do! No, I'm afraid I have no sympathy with them at all and I'm quite pleased that today, thanks to a rising tide of adverse publicity, they have now decided to cancel the trip.
And I'm not even going to START on how much easier a time secondary teachers have their primary colleagues...;)


Rosie said...

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Ours are always held in school and if we are lucky we get free bicuits with our tea and coffee. If we went to a hotel in Spain none of us would want do any work we would be too busy in the pool or at the bar.

Anonymous said...

I read that this morning and shook my head in disbelief. xx

Yorkshire Pudding said...

I grew up in a school house attached to a village primary school. My father was a primary school head - and though primary teaching obviously has its challenges, they are very different from the challenges I have faced for thirty years in urban secondary schools. Quite incomparable. As for the INSET in Spain - I agree with you entirely - they should simply have arranged to use their own school premises - even though this would have lost the "bonding" features of the away trip - you know - Head of Biology caught in uncompromising position with young PE teacher in broom cupboard.

Jennytc said...

I agree that the challenges of a rural primary school may be a lot less than a those in a secondary school, YP but there are a lot of inner city primaries these days where staff face tremendous challenges.

Jennytc said...

Rosie, Flighty, you obviously had the same reactions as me!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...