Working on Sunday

Well, now that I'm not teaching five days a week, I don't mind it at all. In fact, some weeks ago, I suggested to Keith that one way of selling the smaller stock from the shop, and to do some key cutting too, would be to go to a car boot sale and it happens that there is a huge one not far from us at Chirk airfield. It means getting up at five in the morning as it starts at six but that's all-right. It's lovely being up at the crack of dawn on a lovely summer morning. Of course, the more observant among you will recognise that this year, we have had precious few of those and although the weather was indeed fine yesterday, time is marching on, days are shortening and so we found ourselves arriving and unpacking in the dark. Now you would think that any potential customers with any sense would wake up at 5.30am, notice that it was still dark and turn over to go back to sleep. You would be wrong. You would be amazed at how many people were wandering around as we were setting out our wares in the hope of being the early bird who got the worm. Mind you, they had recognised that it could be difficult actually seeing what was available, so most were equipped with torches and a fair few were even wearing special ones strapped to their heads. Now that's what I call dedication.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

e-bay might have been less taxing.
Where do you fancy in France? How rural? How coastal? How far south?

Jennytc said...

I quite enjoy it, YP and Keith gets to do some keys too and picks up potential customers. We are looking at the Burgundy region but it looks as if it will take about 20 years to sell this house! Pessimistic? Moi?

Daphne said...

Burgundy is gorgeous and if you're thinking of moving there you might think of contacting my old friend Graham Battye and his wife Christine who live there and run a b and b.
I'm sure they'd be helpful!

Jennytc said...

Thanks, Daphne, I'll look into that. We may be going over for a couple of weeks in the new future for a look round.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...