Travelling on

Today we took the scenic route - intentionally - but forgot to do our homework with regard to where to stay tonight. We left Orleans and travelled south, past Clermont Ferrand, Vichy and Bourges (not necessarily in that order) and arrived, eventually in Puy le Velay, where we finally found somewhere to stay that satisfied my guidelines regarding economy. So here we are for the night and we now need to decide where we want to move on to tomorrow. There may be a slight animated discussion (we never have arguments), as I would like to see the bridge at Millau, which we saw a couple of years ago when it was still under construction, but Keith is in search of mountains and winding roads. Watch this space!
Oh, and once again, we were attacked by fierce rain! Global warming is no doubt to blame.


Anonymous said...

Have a good holiday, and I hope that the weather improves! xx

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Wasn't there a song "Lost in France" ? Wasn't it by another Welsh lass - Bonnie Tyler. Can't remember how it goes....
"I was lost in France
In Keith's great big Range Rover
I was lost in France
Way down south from Dover.."

Jennytc said...

Thanks, Flighty.
YP, not jealous of us, are you? ;)We'll be in Coussa tomorrow afternoon.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...