Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

Yesterday Keith was floating round on the internet when he came across a really interesting group. They seem to have a very unusual take on music and apparently tour all round the world, although we had never heard of them before. See what you think.

You don't bring me flowers
He said he had found the link on a locksmithing website.
Yes, I can quite see the connection...


Silverback said...
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Silverback said...

n a sort of '6 degrees of separation' way, this is a weird post.

1) My friend is Daffy.
2) I was at her house tonight.
3) Her friend from NZ is called Christine and she's in the UK right now.
4) I met Christine tonight at Daffy house.
5) Christine has a blog.
6) In her latest blog she mentions seeing the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain in Ludlow a few days ago.

Spooky ? Small world ? Nonsense ?

Jennytc said...

Spooky and a small world, I would say, Ian. :)

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Massage to Senior Bloggers!

One doesn't "float around" the iNternet, one surfs!

Silverback said...

Ohhhh can I book my massage for next Thursday, YP. I'm free all day.

Jennytc said...

Hang on, Ian, I do the massages round here, mate!
YP Keith can float if he wants to, so there. Everyone else says 'surfs', I like to be different. ;)

Silverback said...

Like I said, next Thursday it is then.

Jennytc said...

If you can come over to France, you're on!

Ellee Seymour said...

I've never heard it sung that way before. I think I could even manage it...

Jennytc said...

I reckon I could too, Ellee!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...