Austin Seven on the roof

I heard this item of news on the radio this morning and wondered about the role of the two female students who were drafted in to provide a diversion from what was going on on the roof and I wondered what the 2008 equivalent would be. You have to admit raising one's skirt two inches would not even be noticed these days, so what would those girls have to do to get noticed? Answers in comments box, please.


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Haw! Haw! What would the girls have to do? Perhaps bake an apple pie, starch a few shirts, darn a few socks! This would be so bizarre - nobody would notice the jolly student prank unfolding on the college roof. The article never mentions if any of the pranksters were brought to court or given retrospective ASBOs.

Jennytc said...

Oh dear, YP, you disappoint me. I thought your lively imagination would have conjured up a much more interesting scenario than mere housework.;) I don't think any of those involved were ever discovered until now.

©gloop said...

I think you're asking for trouble here Mrs Demob Happy.

Jennytc said...

You think so, Steve? ;)

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Steve is right. I feel so offended that I may sell your story exclusively to "The Daily Star". You will be the new scarlet woman of Wrexham.... "Oh look Myfanwy... That's ur jus poppin in Williams The Butcher for her sausage meat! Brazen hussy!"

Jennytc said...

Why do I get the feeling you two are ganging up on me??

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...