A grand day out

Well, we made it. We finally had our day out - to Anglesey. The weather was better than it had been on Christmas day. In fact we even saw some sun!


Arthur Clewley said...

it looks a pretty wild day in those pics, very dramatic. you certainly got farther than I did on NYD. happy new year Jenny

Jennytc said...

Yes, Arthur, it was very wild. Happy New Year to you too.

Miss A said...

Great pics! :)

Anonymous said...

Jennyta, It looks lovely, you can't beat being by the sea. Have a very happy New Year.

Jennytc said...

Thanks, Anne. Happy New Year to you too, Ellee.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hey, why is all that stuff above this comment so nice and polite? Let's rid ourselves of this New Year harmony and get nasty! Grrrrrr! Bollocks! Humbug! Wales!

Jennytc said...

I did miss your more acerbic comments, YP. Bollocks to you too if we're going to get nasty. ;)

Michelle said...

Beautiful scenery :o)

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...