Losing it

It's getting to me already! This morning I dashed out of the house at 7.15, jumped into the car and drove off to work...
About half a mile into my journey, happening to glance down at my feet I noticed that they were still encased in slippers, a dark, discreet navy blue, but slippers nontheless.
A rapid about-turn (no screech of brakes), back to the house, nearly giving Keith a heart attack as I burst in, unannounced and unexpected through the door, a few seconds to change and give him the chance to demonstrate his hysterical amusement and I was off again, but this time, just too late to avoid the worst of the traffic queues.


Shooting Parrots said...

Think I can beat that. Mrs P went to grab some groceries tonight. I get a phone call saying that she is at the checkout -- without her handbag.

Jennytc said...

On purpose, maybe? ;)

Anonymous said...

That,mother, is called a Senior Moment!!!!

Jennytc said...

You're not too old for a clip round the ear, Madam! ;)

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I thought you would like this, that it would put a smile on your face:


Anonymous said...

As Yorkshire Pudding I have tried to post a few amusing comments but Blogger won't accept them! Have you blacklisted me or something? Woe is me! What did I do wrong?

Michelle said...

I have done that before i'm sorry to say, and i'm not as senior LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenny, you do make me laugh you scatty old dear, you ! ;-) Just got back from Ireland and off to Spain on Saturday - set up supervision today with E and finalising the placement on Friday. Your escapades were just the tonic for a hectic 3 days ahead !

Jennytc said...


Anonymous said...

I note that you didn't object to me calling you scatty tho ! ;)

Dale said...

Jenny, my dear sweet girl. Do you know it's been a week now since you've posted something new?

We miss you. Or as the Welsh might say, "Wyxztrpjhyrs mbgrt xqr!"

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I know the feeling, hope the day - and the week - was less chaotic.

Jennytc said...

Nice to be missed, Dale. Amazing how much progress you've made with the Welsh language too!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...