In response to Mick's query about the lack of photos in the last few months, here are a couple taken yesterday. It was the first time we had managed to get out since January, due to my course and Keith's broken ankle in May, so we enjoyed getting out and about around North Wales again. We headed off in the direction of the Lley Peninsula and stopped at Dinas Dinlle for fish and chips - the height of decadence, well abandonment of any attempt at healthy eating anyway!
Life in north east England (yes, we've moved!) with an eccentric Welshman and a small white dog that thinks he's a Rottweiler.
Off out again
In response to Mick's query about the lack of photos in the last few months, here are a couple taken yesterday. It was the first time we had managed to get out since January, due to my course and Keith's broken ankle in May, so we enjoyed getting out and about around North Wales again. We headed off in the direction of the Lley Peninsula and stopped at Dinas Dinlle for fish and chips - the height of decadence, well abandonment of any attempt at healthy eating anyway!
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Plaster board and dust
So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...
So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...
When all this first happened, last week, I was sure that I would not want or be able to mention it at all on this blog. Now, however. I feel...
This is Keith in the car park of Moel Famau country park this morning. We decided that, as Christmas day this year was going to be a q...
Lucky you having such countryside on your doorstop.
All that and fish and chips. Heavenly!'n'chips. Not alot around here. Washed down nicely with a beer. ;)
Er, how did you manage such weather. It peed it down here.
West is best, SP!
Hi Jenny.
I hope this is the first of many more to come.
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