Having moved back to Blogger from 20six because of changes there which were obviously not going to improve the system, now I find that things are changing here too. Having learned caution the hard way, I decided to create a new blog to experiment and then I read hints of teething problems so thought maybe slow and careful would be more sensible than rushing where angels fear to tread, so I'm waiting... but now I find I can only comment on some blogs anonymously. One of the teething problems not highlighted by Blogger!
PS. Having suffered an unwelcome birthday yesterday I am just wondering if the 'slow and careful' approach is a surreptitious result of the passing of the years. Maybe I should rush in headlong and change everything after all - just to prove I still can!
Hi Jennyta.
I know of no changes to the ‘Blogger’ program. I have now found ‘it’, at least for me to be the perfect program, I am able to post and show my blog the way I want. Like you I have progressed from 20six [and the 27-platform] which I found both rather limiting to that which I can do on blogger - [No problems].
I suspect you are using Windows XP and internet explorer, why not try a different browser, firefox for example. I have found that if my main browser, Netscape doesn't perform as I want, I go over to Safari [Apple Mac browser] and if that is not to my liking, go to the Firefox browser.
When you say “I find I can only comment on some blogs anonymously”. That's very, very strange.
However, what ever you decide, whether to change platforms for your blog, I will follow.
Birthday ey? And why was it unwelcome? As Russell Brand of "Big Brother's Big Mouth" might say - "nice to grow old - the swine!" Belated Happy Birthday Greetings!
yes, happy birthday yesterday
Mick, there is now a Blogger beta linked to Google mail. I have moved to it (I think) because the signing in bit is now different but I think there must be a discrepancy between those who have moved and those who haven't re commenting. I haven't taken the whole plunge yet and changed my template though. That was what I was experimenting with on the new blog I set up purely for that. I am going to stay with Blogger but I want them to sort out the gremlins of the beta version (which is the point of having a beta version of course;))
YP and Arthur, thanks for your good wishes. Unwelcome birthday because it's another year clocked up. I have an issue with age - I need counselling for it! ;)
Firstly, belated birthday wishes Jenny ((hugs)) :o)
A few of my other blog friends took the ore drastic approach and moved the whole shebang over to the new beta system.....big mistake! Upon visiting their blogs, it was like i jumped in the tardis and was transported back a year or 2! It was their blogs alright but the posts were 1 or 2 years old! To cut a long story short, all of them were off the air for 4 days, Blogger assisted them in getting back on but a few have had to creat new links.
I read over the Beta Blooger section a few days ago, and after reading a few of the known bugs ...yes, they mentioned the anonymous comments problem too...I decided I'd wait, let them work on it themselves - and when they finally have enough bugs ironed out to release it, then we will make the move.
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