Up here in North Wales the sun is shining in a clear blue sky and it's going to be a beautiful day. I have already spent time in the garden starting off this year's tan.... and doing some work. The little ginger cat without a tail, whose name I do not know is wandering in and out of the house and fretting because I won't let her go upstairs. Lean Rimes is playing on the music centre and I am thinking of this time last year, when Keith and I were touring France on holiday. Not going to happen this year, I fear, but still, the foot is gradually improving.
And my honeysuckle looks as though it's going to flower this year!
What a pretty piccy. Have a great weekend, jennyta. Enjoy the sunshine! Can't believe the sun has finally returned...thought it was gone for good. :)
Funny eh, how the sun lifts our spirits? Have a great weekend, Jenny!
Lovely photo :o)
You will enjoy the perfume from your honeysuckle. I went to the Chelsea Flower Show last week and ordered two gorgeous new double headed clematis, it would be wonderful if they were perfumed too.
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