Interactively playing

Today's achievement is to have downloaded and installed the software for the interactive whiteboard and to have a lovely time playing with it like putting numbers on caterpillars and things.
Sad? Don't go there!


Shooting Parrots said...

A downloadable whiteboard! Where's the link?

Anonymous said...

we have whiteboard at work ... but no instructions and we're all dying to play with it!!

Jennytc said...

No, SP, it's the software to run on my laptop so that, if I am in a school in Cheshire, I can use it with the class whiteboard (they all use Smart boards in Cheshire). As I am employed by Cheshire, I can use it.
Star, aren't you getting any training for it?

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...