Ideal Homes

Today I had my counselling course in the morning and this afternoon has been taken over by shopping/dusting/hoovering/washing/ ironing activities. Well, actually, I am having a short break before attacking the ironing. I even became inspired to go out and mow the lawn but one look at the waterlogged state of the ground after heavy rain last night dictated otherwise, so instead, I went on a box hunt, rounded them up and dispatched them upstairs to the 'box' room - logical, don't you think?
It now remains to be seen whether Keith even notices when he comes in.

Throughout my adult life, I have strived to achieve the minimalist look in my home. I gaze with envy at those lovely photos of room layouts in the IKEA catalogue - light, simple furniture with smooth, clean lines. The reality is that real life has always intervened to prevent me from attaining this simplistic ideal and it doesn't look as if it's going to change! :) Still, I am surreptitiously winning the battle of the boxes - I think....................?

OK so, in the grand scheme of things, I have done everything except the ironing. A huge decision must now be made:
Ironing or stay on the contest really but I suppose it had better be the ironing. See ya later!


Dale said...

Box hunting?? Wasn't there a big fuss made recently about box hunting in the UK? Jenny, how can you ...

Oh. Meagan says maybe it was "fox" hunting that was the issue. Right. OK. Never mind then.

Elspeth said...

ewwww i hate ironing. I see you're in wrexham, my bro was born there, I was born in Hawarden. look forward to reading more about North Wales - I so mmiss it!

Jennytc said...

Yes but you have the advantage where the weather's concerned! :) Have a look at my webshots albums for photos of North Wales. We go out and about most weekends.

gemmak said...

I am jealous.....I would love and off roader!..... Lovely pics :o)

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...