It's that dreaded time of year again - no, not hayfever - report writing! Last time for me, but still a real chore. Last Monday should have been dedicated to report writing, but the sun and Moel Famau in all its glory beckoned and I am never one to resist temptation! So, while this year's tan got started, the reports didn't.
Lots of time at the weekend. Well, it's Saturday, but now another problem has reared its head - T.A.S. - otherwise known as Task Avoidance Strategy.
It kicked in when I first opened my eyes at 6 this morning. A lovely, sunny morning, the dawn chorus had been underway for some time - ideal for throwing off the bedclothes, leaping up to start a new day with a spot of report writing.
Unfortunately, having opened my eyes, I must had inadvertently closed them again....
8 o'clock. This time I did get out of bed - more of a crawl than a leap - but I got there. Breakfast, take Lucy for a walk - oh! Forgot! Have to go into town for some stuff for Arts Week which begins Monday (lack of resources in school again! :-( )
Reach town at 9.15. 3 hours later and some cash lighter, drive home. By the roundabout, B&Q looms. Bet they've got the garden table I wanted. Maybe I'd better pop in and have a look.
1 o'clock - unload the car. Should I have a go at assembling the garden table?
NO!!! Get those reports started!
15 minutes later, am sitting on the floor making a reasonable start at putting together the hosepipe stand, bought this morning (Yes, it was on the list). When I picked it up in the shop and studied the packaging, there was no hint that, not only did it have to be assembled, but a degree in light enginering was required to be able to complete the job. As I haven't got one, I had to abandon it half done until greater minds than mine could focus on it. Since then, there's been bed making, washing, kitchen cleaning, the ironing's looking very inviting. And it's now 3.30!! The garden table flat pack is there looking at me.....
Table or reports? Decisions, decisions!!
Life in north east England (yes, we've moved!) with an eccentric Welshman and a small white dog that thinks he's a Rottweiler.
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Plaster board and dust
So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...
So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...
When all this first happened, last week, I was sure that I would not want or be able to mention it at all on this blog. Now, however. I feel...
This is Keith in the car park of Moel Famau country park this morning. We decided that, as Christmas day this year was going to be a q...
Hi, there Jennytc, I dropped in to look over this post because I wanted some info on dog training lessons. I have to admit, theres some pretty good info here but I could not find anything about Task avoidance strategies specifically. I was looking for information on dog training lessons. Great blog thanks for the read.
Hello Jennytc, I was looking around for stuff on dog training guide and found your post. I have to admit, theres some pretty good info here but I could not find anything about Task avoidance strategies specifically. I see now why I found your page looking for information on dog training guide and am glad I stopped by even though this is not a perfect match. This is one of the best blogs I have seen so far... you're doing a terrific job. Keep it
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