Weather again!

Today we have sleet, wind and a little snow still lying from overnight, so here are some photos taken on our walk only a week ago. How things change...

April Fool? Maybe not.

When I heard about this yesterday on the radio, I did initially think it must be an April Fool stunt. Even at midnight, I still wasn't sure...
but it's still being reported and discussed.
What does that say about government initiatives when you have to question whether or not they are joking?


The local council is nothing if not relentless in its aim to make sure that there are road works on three out of four nearby roads at any one time. Most recently has been the resurfacing of the top road which runs parallel to ours but, to give them their due, they have at least made a proper job of it this time, so they won't have to come back in six weeks time. 
Something else that said council has a passion for is road humps, otherwise poetically known as 'sleeping policemen. Once last year, I counted how many I needed to navigate to drive a mile from our house.  I can't remember the exact number but it was something like twenty four. I kid you not!
Most of these were on the newly resurfaced road, so I was delighted when our local councillor called round to ask how I felt about not having the humps replaced. Well OK, he did ask everyone else in the area as well and apparently, nearly all of us said the same thing - "Just don't!" I even offered to chain myself to some railings if that would help. He said it wouldn't, but thanked me all the same and it looks as if we have a result! The relevant lines have been painted, the workmen have departed and we have been left in peace, to celebrate the fact that our local journeys are now just that little bit smoother.
Power to the people!

The eyes have it!

Today was optician day.
"I'm not going!" said Keith. "Yes you are," I said. That's why I made our appointments for the same morning.
"Well I'm not having the puffy thing," said Keith.
"That's between you and the optician," I said.
And so it was. The optician tried but Keith is unable to keep his eyes open for the requisite time, so it was stalemate.
However, he did pass the field test - with flying colours.
"That's good. I can see a field!" he said.
The optician looked rather nonplussed and retired hurriedly to the sanctuary of his room.
This afternoon, I received a call from the surgery with an invitation from my GP to come in and discuss the results of my ultrasound.
Oh joy!

Gallstones 'R Us!

"I can see some lovely stones here," exclaimed the very nice lady doing my ultrasound on Tuesday evening.
Why is it that health professionals display such undisguised delight in giving you such news? It's a bit like the weather forecasters on TV who announce, with a broad grin, that we can expect torrential rain or six feet of snow. 
Oh well, looks like I shall be getting another 'zip.'
And I'll probably start listing to the right when I walk. After all, I've already lost an ovary on that side, so after losing my gall bladder, there will be quite a big hole in there on my right side. 
Keith offered to do the operation for me at home as he thinks he has all the requisite tools. I think perhaps the mention of keyhole surgery set him off on that train of thought.
Amazingly, I declined.


Making a quick visit to Avon Valley Railway yesterday with Dad, I noticed that they have reclaimed some of the old advertising boards from yesteryear. See how many of them you recognise. The more familiar ones there are, the older you are, of course... 

These were the days when smoking was not punishable by instant hanging,, drawing and quartering! Indeed, in some circles it was even thought to be good for you. 

Dogs 'R Us

Jake's favourite place to lie is on the pouffe when Keith has his feet up.
Paddy? Well, Paddy, as you can see, just likes to keep his computer skills up to date. Well, he does contribute the occasional post to this blog, as you know.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...