New Horizons

After a week in which we had two parents' evenings to add to an already busy schedule, which now includes regular practices for the Christmas play (I know - the C word should not be uttered before November is finished), I am confirmed in my decision that my retirement from teaching will be at the end of this term rather than struggling on with supply work until the summer. The difference in pension and lump sum for the extra two terms is negligible and more than compensates for being able to have my life back again and start doing what I want to do.
This evening I have just finished designing my leaflet for potential clients for my counselling practice and I have also been approached with a view to teaching part of the basic counselling course and the Gestalt certificate from next September, so with luck, I shall be able to keep the wolf from the door.
I suppose you have reach what the French politely refer to as 'a certain age' to appreciate more fully the desire to make the most of the time and opportunities still available. There are so many things I would still like to do and I don't suppose I'll manage more than a fraction of them, but I'm going to do my best - and being stuck in classrooms is not one of them!
My counselling website, still in embryo state, is now live.

Spring zebras

Our school is currently collecting artwork for a calendar and my class was given the task of producing pictures to illustrate the month of April, so after spending a good 15 minutes showing them a short video clip of Spring, talking about which animals, plants, flowers, weather etc would be typical of April, I set them to work.
The artwork was varied, some easily recognisable, some of the more abstract persuasion, but I was particularly puzzled by L's offering. It was quite well drawn and easily recognisable as ...
a zebra.
"So did we mention zebras when we talked about Spring animals, L?" I enquired. "Are we likely to see zebras in this country?" (A little acerbic, perhaps, but it had been a difficult day and wasn't getting any better.)
"Well," L replied, obviously digging in for a lengthy argument on the subject, "You would see them in zoos, wouldn't you?"
"And were you supposed to be drawing a picture about the zoo?" I countered.
Hmm, thought not.
Tomorrow, we have a visit from Zoo Labs again. Just as well we got these pictures done beforehand.

On the way

Keith has recently been spending his evenings working on a website for my counselling. (I'll share the address later when it is a little further on). It's getting exciting!
Something else, a little less exciting but potentially extremely useful, was a gift I received this week of something called 'Spider Stop'. No, it's not a hand grenade guaranteed to annihilate any spider within a 40 mile range, before YP and Ian start hurling insults again. It's a spray which has to be sprayed around doors and windows and anywhere else where you might suspect that the loathsome creatures might force an entry. It needs to be re-sprayed every two to three weeks and I am assured by the blurb on the bottle that its scent will definitely send the message to any arachnid skulking in the immediate vicinity that it is absolutely persona non grata chez Jennyta.

Watch this space for further updates... We could be winning here!

Builder - where?

I have been happy to bore anyone who will listen with praise of the new conservatory. For a start, it has been very well built, proper foundations, brick colour and pattern carefully matched to the house brick and there is certainly a lovely sense of peace, calm and escapism when I sit in there; perfect ambiance for counselling clients.
We asked the builder who did it to give us an estimate for a downstairs toilet. He came to measure up and told us he would be in touch within the week. That was over two weeks ago. I gave him the cheque for the conservatory at the same time and he mentioned that he was anxious to bank it as soon as possible. Keith asked him if he was interested in doing some work at his Dad's house, which is currently being renovated and he said he was.
So we waited patiently until the end of last week and then Keith tried ringing his mobile number but it was always switched off. Finally, he did get through but it was Mrs Builder who answered. Keith asked her if the builder would please ring him back. "Yes," she said, and that was it.
Also, when I checked my bank account, I discovered that, over two weeks after he had taken the cheque, it had still not been paid in.
Curiouser and curiouser!
So, readers, what do you think?
The butler ... in the library... with the candlestick?

Arachnophobe tip

Replace carpets with laminate or wood flooring. Spiders move more slowly across its smooth surface, making it easier to stamp on them. Either that or the one I killed the other night was in its dotage. I'm just proud of myself for being able to get close enough to do the necessary. A gold star for that, I think!

Half term

Half term, the week I have looked forward to for the past seven.
Programme so far:
Saturday - course in the morning, mowing the lawn and tidying the garden in the afternoon, followed by vigorous hoovering, cleaning, washing etc. Followed by falling asleep at 8 in the evening!
Sunday - lots of tidying, sorting, throwing out, relocating (mostly Keith's stuff, but we won't dwell on that) and dispatching of several, nay lots of full black bin bags to the tip. (Today I managed to stay awake for the evening and if Craigybaby makes an ageist comment about that - he's dead!)
This is because we want to have a downstairs lavatory installed under the stairs but to do that we need to find other homes for the stuff that's already there. This means a ruthless cull of all the stuff that's in the cuboard in the small bedroom. Some of this has gone to the tip, some will go in the shed. However, before I put any more stuff in the shed, we need some shelves in there...and so it goes on.
All this has been instigated by the building of the conservatory - but it is a lovely conservatory - definitely one of my more inspirational ideas.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...