One of those days

Set off for work at the usual time, got round the corner at the end of the road and, hey presto, the exhaust was suddenly dragging along the ground behind me. So I parked sensibly, rnge Keith and waited for him to come and rescue me on his great white charger (blue Range Rover) and drive me to school, which he duly did.
By mid morning, my car had a large dent in the driver's door, caused by someone in the house opposite reversing into it at a rate of knots, also in a hurry to get to work.
Some days, you wonder why you bother....:(

Isn't that strange?

Looking at Ellee's blog this evening, I found a post about another Ellee she had discovered when she googled her own name, so I decided to have a go myself. My surname is not very common but I did find an alter ego - a Year 2 teacher, but in Australia. How weird is that!

New laptop

Yesterday I had a surprise present from Keith - a brand new laptop! 100gb serial ATA hard drive, dual core Intel processor, 1gb DDR dual channel RAM, wireless LAN, card reader, DVD Rewriter AND a hard screen!
He wanted my old one to give to Giles so that he could have Giles's which has as COM port, which he needs for...
oh who cares? I got me a new laptop! That's all that matters! :)

Right hand turn

On Thursday afternoon the two Infant classes are taken for dance by a visiting teacher. Today, the teaching assistant and I were watching them running round in a circle and she commented on the fact that she had noticed that children always tend to run anti-clockwise if not directed otherwise. This led to my wondering aloud if this phenomenon is similar to that of water going down a plug-hole. Perhaps in Australia, children run clockwise.
So, I'm asking Michelle and any other readers of this blog who hail from the southern hemisphere, if they could do a little observation for me and let me know whether my theory is right.
Then I can write a thesis on it and get world-wide acclaim...
Oh, all-right, perhaps not, but it would be interesting to know!

Mega minibeasts

On Wednesday we had a visit from Zoolabs, which is an organistation that visits schools with large-sized exotic minibeasts. So we had a visit from a large stick insect, an African land snail, a hissing cockroach, a large millipede, a corn snake among other creatures. Oh and there was a Chilean Rose Tarantula, but I was almost out of the room for that one and was grateful for the fact that it stayed locked away in its tank.

I was quite happy to hold the millipede and the corn snake, though.

Dalmation, please

I have to dress up for school on Friday. Not that I don't make the effort every day, you understand - smart casual and practical usually, but this is for Book Day. All the children and staff are expected to appear on Friday morning dressed as a character from a book. In the past, I have fallen back on my stock in trade St Trinian's schoolgirl - short(ish) skirt, black, holey tights, oversized shirt (I can borrow that from Keith, of course), backcombed hair or red wig, black nail varnish and an overload of orangey make-up. Something like the photo, in fact.

However, this time I might have a change. Cruella de Ville, I thought - a touch of elegance. All I need now is a dalmation. Any offers?

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...