Busy, busy, busy

Busy sorting out job applications today. Which ones should I apply for? Which ones would I be wasting my time applying for?
And then, there's all the jargon to be re-acquainted with as well as new terms to get to grips with. Education doesn't stand still for a moment so since 2004, the Primary Strategy has bedded in as well as "Excellence and Enjoyment" and in Wales, the trialling of the revised Foundation Stage (incorporating Early Years and Key Stage 1).

And THEN there is (are) WALT and WILF. (Don't ask!)


H. from It's a mum's life tagged me the other day. The idea is to list a few weird/noteworthy things about myself so here goes:

1. I have a spider phobia
2. I can't bear buttons. They make me feel sick.
3. I am left handed.
4. My handwriting is appalling - by anyone's standards
5. I blame this on being left handed.
6. My great-great-great grandfather was a baronet.
7. Another, more recent ancestor was a colleague of Lord HawHaw during WW2.
8. When I was 11 I played the piano in a local concert having never had piano lessons.

Sorry, nothing very earth-shattering there, but maybe Dale, Michelle and Shooting Parrots would like to take up the baton and run with it.

Armed headteacher

The headteacher of a local primary school was arrested last week on suspicion of illegally possessing :

a .9mm semi-automatic Walther P38 pistol,
a .22 semi-automatic rifle,
an Enfield .38 revolver,
a Llama .22 semi-automatic pistol,
a Browning 6mm pistol,
a Webley revolver,
a 49 Samson Luger 9mm.

He is also accused of possessing prohibited ammunition - 190 Blazer rounds and 239 hollow point bullets.

I know classroom discipline can be difficult these days but is this perhaps going a little too far?

Successful people

I have found six teaching jobs to apply for beginning in September, mostly part time and/or temporary, which would suit me quite well as I shall also need time for my counselling placement in due course. I look at the job descriptions and feel enthusiastic, then I look at the application forms, at the request for my date of birth, and I feel less optimistic. I have considered not filling in that bit.......

Someone told me recently that one of the six signs of a successful person is that they never give up. OK, I wonder what the other five are? Hiding their date of birth?

Daylight robbery

Dentist today. £80 for filling, clean and polish! Why doesn't Wales have NHS dentists!!!!!!

Lazy day

On a Bank Holiday when 'someone' decides to watch 'Das Boot' in its entirety in German (with English subtitles), what is one to do?
Hook up to the MP3 player, dig out some light reading and relax.................oh and surf the blogroll of course!

The answers

Thanks to those of you who had a go at guessing what the mystery photos were. The blue and white one was the material of Keith's shirt and the other one is the living room carpet.

Keith is disappointed that no-one attempted to guess what he would like to have posted. Suffice it to say, you wouldn't have liked it. He has been watching too many documentaries, one of which was about dust mites and other such similar creatures. There was some wistful talk about possible 'pets' in the carpet.......

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...