CPU link

Look on my sidebar for the link to CPU Direct Computers website - still not finished but looking good! Also the link to my CPU blog. You know, I am quite impressed with Bravenet's blog provision. See what you think, anyway.

Allders bites the dust

Remember our furniture fiasco from last August when we tried to buy a suite from Allders? Well today's news did not surprise me. While I hope they find a buyer for the sake of all whose livelihoods depend on it, the management of the business and its customer services left a lot to be desired, to put it mildly.

Camaro rocks!

Keith's day off today and he spent most of it sorting out the power steering on the Camaro. When we closed the shop, Giles came round to have a look and before we knew it, the gates were open (he had moved the other cars out the way first, luckily!) and Keith and Giles were roaring out onto the road - and I mean roaring. That engine is not one of your quiet, purring noiselessly types!
Not content with going to the end of the road and back - always assuming they had room to turn the car round up there - they decided to zoom off up the narrow, twisty road further on. Anyone having a gentle snooze in front of the telly would have had a rude awakening as this beast roared past their house.
Ten minutes later, they were back, delighted at the car's performance and thrilled with the drive. Only gradually did a few slightly worrying facts emerge - like the fact that, after a while, the power steering went and it took the two of them to steer the car back home!
I have suggested that next time, they make sure that the drive is a little less exciting - for the sake of my nerves, if nothing else. AND that I get a go!

Camaro steering pump

The last essential piece of equipment for the Camaro has been acquired today - the power steering pump. Hopefully Giles will be fitting that tomorrow before he drives the Camaro down to the shop to show those of us who are working.

A Camaro is a large car, not one which easily fades into the background, so, if he does get it on the road, I'm anticipating lots of attention! You never know, we could get customers coming from far and wide once word gets round that there is a Camaro parked outside CPU Computers!

CPU website

If you would like to see the shop website, take a look here. However, it's not finished yet, so do make allowances. A lot of hard work and angst has gone into it and it's 'our baby' but there is still more to do.

New blog

Well, I've gone and got myself a new blog.
(What? Not again! I hear you say, remembering my short-lived flirtation with Xanga.)
Worry not! This is business, this is a blog in addition to this blog but with Bravenet, not Blogger. Confused? Stick with it and all will become clear.
The website for the business, that Josie has been working so hard on, is taking shape now and includes the page specially for the local schools, with offers relevant to them. Josie suggested that I might 'say a few words' on it now and again and, from that, it was only a short leap to setting up a blog, linked to the website, where I can evaluate selected items and maybe make suggestions on how they could be used in school. I'll probably put the link to it on this sidebar when it is properly set up so that you can
a) have a look at it
b) be bored out of your skull if you are not a teacher - or even if you are!
I must say, I quite like the Bravenet templates. I'm off now to do a bit more work on it! See ya later!

Out and about

I've been allowed out the past two days! I have been doing my bit as a 'rep' for the business, touring the schools in the area in an effort to present a friendly, helpful face and, hopefully, drum up some business. We started doing software fairs in primary schools last term, in which we took a selection of educational software and I.T. related goods to schools to sell to the parents. The school then gets 10% commission or 15% if they take it in goods. Doing this helped us build a good relationship with the schools that invited us in and we are trying to extend this.

It's been very interesting visiting the different schools (I'm OK as long as I don't have to teach in them!)and it's amazing how each one is different. They all have their own individual atmosphere and of course the buildings are very different too. Some are new, state of the art, beautifully decorated, others are older, Victorian red brick buildings where creating a child-centred ambiance presents more of a challenge, which is not to say that the staff are not successful at that.

Of course, these days security is paramount, which means that you can't just walk in to a school as you could in days gone by. Now there are bells and keypads and intercoms and signing in books but only twice so far have I been kept on the doorstep. I have even ventured into two Welsh medium schools - and before you ask, that's nothing to do with ghosts or the next life! Welsh schools teach through the Welsh language, as opposed to teaching Welsh as one of the subjects in the curriculum, providing a valuable means of keeping the Welsh language alive and thriving.

The other pleasant part is being able to drive around the area, popping into schools, and, most importantly, popping back out again! I'm getting to see the area and finding my way around and my GPS system comes in very handy - essential equipment, in fact!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...