Interesting eyes

I had a hospital appointment today. About 10 years ago, my optician decided I might have glaucoma so sent me to a specialist for further investigation. It was decided that I actually had an unusually shaped optice nerve and, otherwise all was well.
This summer, my new optician decided to send me to the specialist again, just be on the safe side as glaucoma is in the family.
Fortunately, I got the all clear once again, but the specialist did remark that I had 'very interesting optic discs.' Not something I often get told but as a chat-up line, I think it would leave a lot to be desired! :)


My blogroll doesn't seem to want to go on this new template - it's invisible at the moment. However, it will have to wait till this evening, I'm afraid. Got to go and start the week. :)

Got it!!!

The strange sounds to be heard in the environs of Wrexham today were howls of rage or screams of delight, depending on what time of the afternoon or evening it was! 6 hours it's taken me to change this template, SIX HOURS!!!! AND it's not right yet, but I've had enough - the sleep of the exhausted beckons. It's legible, my counter (most important) is on and that's it for today!
Had you been a fly on our wall this afternoon, you would have been entertained by the sight of Keith growling at his computer as he made valiant efforts to get to grips with C+ (apparently a language for writing programmes - I knew that! not!) and me swearing at mine as I wrestled with the mysteries of blogger templates. You see, we REALLY know how to live it up at the weekend! :)

Boldly going....?

I keep looking at other blogskins and wondering whether to take the plunge. I must have a low boredom threshold or else I just enjoy a challenge, but I have had my green blog for a while now and I would like a change. However, being a definite novice in the world of html and css and not having either the time or the patience for anything requiring too steep a learning curve, I thought I would venture to make a small change to my photoblog. Having read the Blogger help page for changing the look of templates, I have actually changed the background colour on Photos at Jennytc! A small step for mankind but a giant one for yours truly! Now I'm seriously tempted to change the appearance of this blog but I'm also a bit worried about messing it up completely. So, folks, if I'm not here tomorrow, you'll know that:
a) I gave in to temptation (nothing new there then!)
b) I made a mess of it
and in that case I shall be sitting here tearing my hair out and listening to Keith saying, "I told you to leave it as it was!"

Birds and procrastination

I have just taken Lucy out for her walk around the lake. All summer I have wanted and tried to get a photo of one of the herons which I often catch a glimpse of down there. Today, not having my camera with me of course, what did I come across but a heron sitting quietly beside the lake, minding its own business. So laid back was it that it didn't bother to fly off even at the sight of Lucy, who was being very well behaved as it happened. Ain't that just typical!!
Before taking Lucy out, I had been up since 5a.m. in a determined attempt to get my homework finished for tomorrow's Counselling class. I need to catch up with what I missed while on holiday. Needless to say, I got a bit sidetracked checking on emails and blogs so I didn't get it finished - hence the procrastination. Must try harder! :)

Still waiting for summer!

This morning we had sunshine - first time since we got back from France. Swimming in the Mediterranean seems very far away now! Every morning this week it has rained and Lucy and I have been for our walk under dripping trees and grey, misty clouds. The garden, never a candidate for Homes and Gardens magazine anyway, seems to have given up the struggle for this year and is bedding down for the winter already.
Admittedly, it's nearly the end of September but, hey! some of us are still waiting for summer!
AND to make matters worse, not content with their 'Back to School' campaign before the summer term is over, shops all over the country are now laden with Christmas-related goods! Whatever happened to taking life as it comes?

The invisible woman

This week it's back to normal with a vengeance! No sooner had the week started than Keith's son and daughter, who both work in the shop, went down with a severe tummy bug and have been off work all week. So Keith has been doing all the repairs on his own and I have been looking after the 'front of shop' as far as possible, with his expertise when required. We have coped, although Keith was in at 7.30 this morning to try and get ahead on the repairs as they have been coming in thick and fast, and of course he is very tired at the end of the day....
So tired that, when speaking to a friend on the phone this evening, he was bemoaning the fact that he has been in the shop 'on his own' all week!!!
Nice to know that the post-holiday diet has worked already and I have slimmed down to the extent of becoming the Invisible Woman!!!

(Don't worry, he apologised when I sat on his head! :))

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...