Then I was taken on the field on my long lead. I'm not trusted to go without a lead in case I don't come back when called, which I really think is a bit unfair, but anyway, we had a nice wander around and we were just on our way back to the gateway when a spaniel bounded up to me, so we started doing the old sniff'n smell routine when suddenly, I noticed a very nice looking golden laborador passing by. Definitely worth further investigation, I thought. "Go for it!" I thought, and I did. Well, was it my fault that I charged off so quickly that I dragged the end of the lead out of Jenny's hand? First I knew was her shouting at me to come back but by then, the lab. and I were 'getting friendly' - you know what I mean, I'm sure. Mind you, I think the enthusiasm was all on my side, but anyway, I didn't have much time to find out as I was grabbed by Jenny and hauled back home.
She's definitely not happy with me.
I take it a chewstick for being good on my walk is out of the question?
Hmm, thought so. :(