Yesterday we were mostly underneath the Range Rover. Well, Keith was. We got in at about 11am, Keith turned the ignition key and...nothing, nada, niente, rien. After a few minutes, he decided that the fuel pump was to blame but on our model, the fuel pump is practically inaccessible. Our kindly host, Robin came over to put his head under the bonnet, quickly followed by the French farmer from next door. It's amazing how much conversation and understanding can ensue from a mixture of French, English and gesticulation. I did try to keep up a running translation for Keith but was ignored by all. I am a wimmin, after all! What do I know about these things?
Anyway, to cut a long story three hours short, it finally transpired that, as Saturday, when we arrived, had been very hot, followed a yesterday which was more like a midwinter day in the antarctic (only a slight exaggeration here!), a vaccuum had been created in the fuel tank, and the diesel pump, which must be faulty to some extent, was not able to pull the fuel from the tank because of the vaccuum. It was solved by the use of an empty water bottle to prime the diesel pump manually.
Today we have been out and about locally and all (touch wood) has been fine.
But there is still no sun and it is still cold.
See, not such a slouch, am I!!