We had our 'pink' day (Breast Cancer Awareness) yesterday. The children and the staff were all asked to wear something pink and contribute to the cause. I'll pass over the reactions of some of the boys when they first heard, but they were all good sports and came up trumps. Some of us even had bright pink streaks in our hair - but then some of us love any excuse to dress up and act the fool!
"Will I be OK going round Sainsbury's like this after school?" I pondered.
"What do you mean, will you be OK?" asked the Head, who has brunette hair with very stylish red streaks, "I do it all the time!"
So at the end of the school day, I duly dragged my weary bones to Sainsbury's and began to load my trolley. The shop was busy, mostly with annoying people standing in my way gassing to other annoying people, so at one point, I parked said trolley while I went off in search of the pizzas I had previously forgotten.
Back I came, clutching the pizzas to find ...
no trolley.
Up and down I wandered, unable to believe that anyone would have simply walked off with it. What was the point?
Now I was beginning to get a little fraught. I spotted a likely-looking male employee.
"Excuse me, you haven't moved a trolley that I left here a few minutes ago, have you?"
He gave a startled glance in the direction of my head and backed away nervously, shaking his head.
"No, I haven't see it, no, no."
Then the penny dropped.
"You don't work here, do you?"
He looked slightly relieved as he agreed that no, he didn't work here, and continued to back away.
It was at that point that I decided that I'd had enough. Whoever had my trolley was welcome to it. I dumped the pizzas and went home.
Sometimes, it's just better to give up and try again another day.