Trainers at the ready

Following on from my last post and comments, I have just discovered this courtesy of  UK Health Radio News, which gives information from different sources regarding the advantages of exercise in one's 'senior years' to prevent or delay the onset of dementia.
No sitting back in your reclining armchair with remote in hand, then. You have been warned!

Ageing successfully?

We have just had a couple of days up in the frozen north with Kathy at Claire's house. Kathy commented, on watching this item on the local news, "Now there's someone who is ageing successfully!"
The item in question was about a 96 year old lady who has, impressively, just finished walking the entire length of Hadrian's Wall (although not all at once).
I have been pondering on this. So that  must mean that it is no longer enough to 'grow old gracefully', there is a further hurdle to clear. You have to 'age successfully'. But does that mean that, to do so, I shall also have to walk the length of Hadrian's Wall and will I have to wait until I am 96 to do it, or could I just sneak it in now and 'deposit' it as evidence to show that I have aged successfully by the time I am 96?
Or, would it be enough to keep walking the dogs every day until I am 96?
Or was it enough just to help bring the horses in the other evening. They are quite big and a little bit scary!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...