The kid

Looks so cute and innocent here, doesn't he? He isn't!
I think Jenny's too busy to write posts at the moment - I've heard her mutter darkly about Jake going back to where he belongs (wherever that is), as she mops up yet another of his 'little accidents' on the dining room floor. What's the problem with him? He's six, for heaven's sake; that's middle aged in dog terms and at that age, he should have perfect control of his bladder - like me. 
Mind you, that's not all. He's quite sneaky too. Last week, Jenny caught him nicking one of the TV remote controls and hiding it in his basket and then there was the incident the other day. Keith has an electric massage thingy for his legs, which he had left on the floor under NASA, still plugged in and guess what the canine idiot did? He decided to have a chew on the lead and nearly electrocuted himself!
Guess he won't be doing that again in a hurry!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...