
OK, so I am probably going to make myself really unpopular now and do wonders for the Society of  Misanthropes but, here goes...
I DO NOT LIKE Hallowe'en. I hate the idea of children going house to house, in the dark, in imitation of what is done across the pond  and what is, in effect, begging. If they want to celebrate the modern equivalent of a pagan festival, that's fine, although I do wonder how many of them are aware of anything beyond the blatant commercialism which is the main focus these days. But I would prefer that they do their celebrating at home rather than having a constant stream of knocks on the door all evening and the splatters of flour and eggs when the door remains unanswered. To be fair, although this used to happen when I lived on Merseyside, here merrymakers are generally admirably restrained and polite.
Ah well, a few more hours and it will be over for another year.
Next up is November 5th and trying to keep Paddy calm during all the noisy fireworks.
So call me a misery, if you wish. Bring it on! The shoulders are broad!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...