Vote for John Sergeant!

Throughout the ancestral pile chez Jennyta cries can be heard as an 'animated discussion' gets underway over the merits (or otherwise) of one of the contestants of tonight's edition of Strictly . Yes, it's good old John Sergeant, the contestant I'm rooting for. Keith, incomprehensibly, doesn't really rate him; in fact, he thinks he should have been out of the competition long ago. I however, appreciate his gentle, self deprecating wit and think he's an all-round good egg. OK, so his terpsichorean ability would not set the world on fire but you have to admit, he has put in a lot of effort, sufficient to lose two stone in weight in fact, and the clip of him dragging his poor partner across the dance floor a few weeks ago is sufficient to set me giggling any time it comes to mind. Check it out yourself
While dancing ability is undoubtedly important, 'Strictly' is a family entertainment show, which means that personality has to be a vital ingredient and John certainly has that.
I would really like to see a burgeoning 'John Sergeant' fan club with a rapidly expanding sideline in stickers, banners, flags with captions along the line of 'Vote for John Sergeant - Strictly's next winner!' I want to see houses festooned with banners across their front windows, cars with stickers on their rear bumpers.
Come on everyone - VOTE FOR JOHN SERGEANT! You know you want to!
(No, I haven't even started on the red wine yet!)

Remember, remember the 5th of November

An experience to avoid - counselling clients during the evening of November 5th. The repeated explosions in the immediate vicinity are not conducive to a peaceful session!
Speaking of which, can anyone explain why, in this era of Health and Safety overload, in which the Nanny State involves itself in every minute aspect of daily life, it is still regarded as perfectly acceptable to buy explosives and set them off in the privacy of your own garden?

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...