Take three hundred and counting...

A staple part of daily life at the end of the autumn term in a primary school is the production of the Nativity play. In my last full time job, there was a tradition of using a real baby for Jesus. He (or she) lay in a full sized crib and was not touched by any of the other actors, so was quite safe and, oddly enough, there always seemed to be a new born candidate produced at just the right time.

In my present school, we are sticking to the artificial substitute and daily rehearsals include exhorting Joseph to pick the baby up gently and remember to support his head as he hands him to Mary. Producing a Nativity play with 22 children is a bit of a challenge - especially when it comes to crowd scenes, which have to be adapted slightly, but we're getting there. (Picture me, if you will, wearing my green visor, megaphone in hand.) Mind you, we are thinking of transforming one of the shepherds into a sheep if he continues to go AWOL - but then someone remembers that the shepherds are doubling up as the crowd, and if we did that, we'd only be left with a crowd of three. See, I told you some adaptations were necessary. Maybe a little imagination on the part of the audience will be helpful too.

On the road to recovery?

Keith is still on a bit of a roller coaster, leg-wise but the doctor came again today, gave him another 2 lots of antibiotics and told him to 'keep taking the tablets' as well as resting his legs and wearing a pressure bandage. His temperature seems to be back to normal now - you can tell because its fall is in direct ratio to the number of insults that issue from his mouth but he's still not eating much more than the odd Cup a Soup, which should give the diet a good boost. It takes a bit of time doing the old Florence Nightingale routine but I have managed to get a few other things done this weekend too:

Counselling course and workshop
Counselling homework (in advance too!)
Washing, ironing, shopping etc
Present buying and wrapping
Card writing
Should I go on? Give that girl a gold star!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...