Another quiz!

Another quiz, folks, for those of you who have nothing better to do with your time!
Have a look at here to find out what type of Winnie the Pooh character you are. Now you know you can't live without that knowledge!
Me? I'm the Owl!
You are Owl! Wise and calm, you constantly feel
that you must help those around you who are...
not as gifted in certain areas as you are. As
in, everyone.

Which Winnie the Pooh character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Roger B. said...

I don't need to do the quiz... I know I'm Eeyore!

(it's thistles for tea again)

Jennytc said...

Thistles eh? Baked, stewed or pureed??

gemmak said...

Tigger me.....posted my new 'photo' on my blog! lol

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...