New hobby

Here, chez Jennyta, the latest hobby is weather-watching. Not that it is a very new hobby for me, though. For years in my other life as a teacher, and especially as deputy head, when it was my job to decide if the weather was too bad for the children to go out to play at lunch-time, (no contest of course, unless there was a raging hurricane outside!) I have hung on to every word of the weather forecaster on TV,  morning, and evening, the farming forecast on Radio 4 early on Sunday morning - you name it, I listened to it. As a result, the dinner ladies (sorry, lunch-time assistants) at my school soon became similarly addicted and often recounted tales of puzzled husbands asking why on earth they had suddenly become fascinated by the weather when they had never shown any interest before.
However, that's by the by. These days, Keith and I are keeping a close eye for caravan-related purposes. We compare different forecasts and discuss in great detail which one to believe and finally make our decision. Are we likely to have a reasonable weekend in the wilds of Wales or could we end up marooned in a soggy field overlooking a grey sea and even greyer skies?
Last weekend, we believed the forecast and didn't go but, as we have  all discovered over the last two years, weather forecasting in the UK has been conspicuous by its inaccuracy, and so it proved last weekend. This weekend, the forecast is for sunny weather this afternoon and tomorrow, lasting into Sunday. So now we have another dilemma.
Should be believe that the forecast is accurate and take the plunge or is 'sunny weather during the weekend' really code for hail, thunder, floods and hurricanes? Decisions, decisions!
It's a serious business, this caravan-holidaying.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...