Spring zebras

Our school is currently collecting artwork for a calendar and my class was given the task of producing pictures to illustrate the month of April, so after spending a good 15 minutes showing them a short video clip of Spring, talking about which animals, plants, flowers, weather etc would be typical of April, I set them to work.
The artwork was varied, some easily recognisable, some of the more abstract persuasion, but I was particularly puzzled by L's offering. It was quite well drawn and easily recognisable as ...
a zebra.
"So did we mention zebras when we talked about Spring animals, L?" I enquired. "Are we likely to see zebras in this country?" (A little acerbic, perhaps, but it had been a difficult day and wasn't getting any better.)
"Well," L replied, obviously digging in for a lengthy argument on the subject, "You would see them in zoos, wouldn't you?"
"And were you supposed to be drawing a picture about the zoo?" I countered.
Hmm, thought not.
Tomorrow, we have a visit from Zoo Labs again. Just as well we got these pictures done beforehand.

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...