
I think Keith is getting a bit concerned about my daily problem with tractors cluttering the local dual carriageway during my trip to work. His mind has been on the task and he has come up with a novel solution:
An air to ground heat-seeking missile tuned in to tractors' exhausts!
Sounds good to me. I had been considering the ancient Romans' idea - knives attached to my chariot (sorry - car) wheels carefully positioned to catch them as I overtake, but the heat-seeking missile - oh yes, I like the sound of that.

A Flexible Curriculum

I am very curious to know how our beloved poiticians spend their Sunday afternoons. They obviously don't play golf, go for a healthy walk or even pop down to the local. No, their razor sharp minds ever on the case, they spend their time thinking up startling announcements to hit the headlines the following morning.
Thus it is that this Monday morning, for instance, we hear that philosophy is to be introduced into the Foundation curriculum. Yes, OK, I'm all for improving children's skills at critical thinking.
But not content with that, the secondary curriculum is to get a bit of a heave too. Well, it's about time that lot shared the experience of all the changes we hard-working primary teachers have had to put up with over the last 20 years! (Sorry, YP, only joking - don't get the hazel switch out yet!) So the secondary curriculum is to become more flexible - like the primary curriculum. Sorry, which planet has that particular politician been on? 'Flexible' and 'primary school' ceased to have any connection with each other with the advent of the National Curriculum.
Oh, and cookery will have to be taught, as well as care of the environment, the two world wars and the slave trade, with a little Chinese and/or Arabic thrown in for good measure.
Now, what were we talking about again? Oh yes,

A Flexible Curriculum

So that will be on alternate wet Friday afternoons, right?

Persistence wins the day - maybe

Today, I bought a mini trampoline - for MY use since Keith has now appropriated the stepper.( This girl never gives up! )
Last night I went out with three fellow student counsellors for a birthday celebration meal (one of theirs, not mine) and during the course of the evening, I received a text from Keith:
"Don't forget to bring cake."
He never gives up either!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...