It's in the genes

Saw this interesting site on Shooting Parrots' blog
and decided to have a go. I uploaded a photo of me and, hey presto, results to be proud of!
Tata Young 74% (Who?)
Minnie Driver 64%
BRIGITTE BARDOT!!! 62% (in her prime, I might add!)
Victoria Principal
Anjelica Huston

It's in the genes, all in the genes. To quote Ab Fab - "My whole body hangs from these cheekbones, dahhlling!"
Autographs will be dispensed on request.............. I think I might need to go and lie down...........

Estimating the ladybird's spots

Numeracy today in Reception class was about estimating - a brief view of a ladybird (No, a picture, not a real one) and the children had to make a sensible guess at how many spots they had seen. During this session, one of the girls asked to go to the toilet. After she had gone, I held up the next card.
"How many spots do you think were on that one?" I asked, in my best Joyce Grenfell voice. From the depths of the toilets came a stentorian answer,
Not only a bright class but x-ray vision too!

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...