FASCINATING AIDA : very funny OFSTED song for teachers

Just received this link from a teacher friend, one of the 'Ladies who lunch' group, in fact. Worth watching...


Cro Magnon said...

Oh how very very true. Luckily my own teaching days were pre-ofsted (I think); we just got on with the job.

Anonymous said...

That made me laugh, but sadly it's all so true. I bet that you're glad you're no longer teaching. Flighty xx

Jennytc said...

And so much better it was for that, Cro!

Jennytc said...

I'm thankful every day, Flighty! But sad too, because once, pre National Curriculum and OFSTED days, I did actually enjoy it.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Brilliant Jenny! Thank you for sharing!

ZACL said...

Absoloooootely bloooooomin' spot on and terrifically performed.

Why is it, with some posts I have to choose a profile and sign in all over again when I am already on your site, and with other comments to your posts I do not? You haven't found an 'Aida' performance about Blogspot, I suppose?

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...