Euro Millions

I made sure Keith had bought a lottery ticket for the Euro Lottery as it was a rollover week.
The news came through that a couple from Britain were sharing the prize with someone in Spain.
"Looking good," I thought, as I heard the news on BBC World Service sometime during the early hours of Sunday morning. I contemplated waking Keith up to check his computer and see if it was us, but decided against it. The surprise would be all the more pleasant after a decent night's sleep.
"Check all your email accounts," I said yesterday. "Are you sure there's no email?"
Today, there was a couple being interviewed on the news about their fantastic £56,000,000 win.
It wasn't us.
You know what? I was REALLY disappointed!


Yorkshire Pudding said...

Never mind, you have got Keith and darling Paddy and all your memories and this is surely worth more than £56 million - well more than £5,600. More than £56?

Jennytc said...

Keep going, YP! ;)

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...