Investors in People

Hands up anyone who works for a company which has the Investors in People award!
If so, do you recognise these comments as applying to your place of work?

...employers feel a sense of ownership and pride in their work
It is vital that everyone feels valued and confident because they have such an important role.....we all work together as a team and get a great deal of satisfaction knowing that we have done our best.
The award is given after an assessment of staff welfare and work procedures.

No? Me neither. That purely imaginary school which I have talked about before obtained this award after a series of stage managed interviews for which employees were carefully chosen and briefed on what to say. The process was embarked on straight after an OFSTED inspection, when staff were tired and looking forward to getting back to routine. Did this award result in staff feeling more valued and appreciated? There were many comments which suggested quite the opposite.
Did the award have a positive effect on the school generally? If it did, it was well hidden!
So what difference did it make? You tell me!


Shooting Parrots said...

The only difference I've noticed is a plaque on the wall, a tick in the box and HR stop harrassing you with staff questionnaires.

Jennytc said...

That's my experience too! :)

Plaster board and dust

So, we're still no further forward on the British Gas smart meter front and I've given up making non-existent appointments with them...